New Age Dating: Are We Resisting Fate?

The use of online dating apps has helped many people find the love of their life and settle down. You strike a conversation with a stranger you match with, based off of limited information on a profile, and hope you strike gold. While we are all ruled by capitalism and a need to survive, a lot of our energy is depleted. A majority of it being depleted due to over stimulation through phones, screens and vicariously living through others (the incessant "need" to keep up with other people's lives) -- Even with this energy depletion, we still have needs. Dating apps have made it convenient to satiate this need without having to exert much physical force. Putting yourself in a pool to be seen as available and seeking.


Curiousity led me to look up how some of the world’s billionaires met their companion. Bill Gates met his wife at a trade fair. Mark Cuban met his wife at the gym. Jeff Bezos met his wife while he was at work (1st wife). Steve Jobs met his wife at a lecture/school. Growing up in a different time, clearly they did not have dating apps but only needed to live. Love comes like the wind, randomly, unexpected. There is always a mutual interest involved; either through environment or network, however, the main goal wasn’t to “seek a relationship”.


Ketu has a huge part in dating or meeting the lover you are meant to be with over many life times. There is an element or surprise and unpredictability. Simply being at the right place at the right time. Detachment is the best way to obtain what you desire. Existing in the world as is-- not necessarily outwardly seeking but not opposed to what comes. The Rahu element that has been added to dating creates a shadow element over what we are perceiving. The full story is distorted. Then people are being "catfished" or meet in person and the energy doesn't match what they created in their head. Lots of room for error exists with the master of illusion, Rahu. This can also be connected with the egregious discourse we see a lot of modern podcasters have: topics regarding how women should be, how relationships should be, etc. etc. Then people try and for mutate their vibe to match what they hear thus, misaligning them in their relationships all together.


Men having "rosters" or entertaining a lot of "options" is a ultimately feminine trait. Their light isn't strong and certain on it's own, so it needs the validation of others to keep it in tact. Men that are certain in themselves, as well as secure in their lives, when they find a woman that they value, they aren't interested in others. Men that have a good balance of feminine and masculine energy, want to provide and be consistent. They actually have no desire to be "seen" and gain glory-- they care about results. Understanding that devotion is the best way to generate the best fruits in life. To extend one’s light on another and see how it’s reflection back onto them leads to inspiration. In the heart of Libra, the sign of partnership, lies Swati nakshatra. Swati nakshatra is about being lifted up like the wind. Being lifted up and inspired comes through energetic matching. Libra, the sign where Saturn exalts, is all about finding balance— what you can work with, what you are willing to compromise with. When you can compromise, you can achieve greater heights in life. Having a mutually beneficial and healthy relationship is one of the biggest blessings in life (platonic or not). Ultimately, devotion means that one has the utmost respect and honor for their energy. When careful with where you give your energy (money, time, love, etc), you understand its influence and power.

 Women are supposed to have options-- energy that stirs her interest. The reactive quality in feminine energy exists as a means to test how the yang, or masculine energy, is received. Is the masculine energy persistent but with self control? Is it inspiring? In times of old, when a woman would be launched into society, suitors would come to the door with gifts and hope for opportunity. Men would “compete” for the woman and she chooses her match.


In Chinese philosophy, when there is an imbalance between yin and yang energies, then the world is prone to more earthquakes, hot weather, and drought. The reason we see spiritual antennas pop up, like Shera 7,  is to bring an awareness back to the feminine. There are flaws in her approach much like everyone else, but it ultimately raises an awareness to return to the feminine. To shed light to the idea that women are the "prize" and are the power behind any strong man. The way she dances with his light and reflects it back to him in a better way-- that's how it is to be. Now we see women fighting for the validation from a man, putting other women down as a way to compete. There is too much external desire because we are over stimulated.


The pandemic in 2020 caused us to rely more on the internet for social interaction but it has also made us more comfortable being isolated. I encourage you to find ways to engage with your real world around you. Go enjoy things that interest you, join groups, meetings or be the one to start them. This is necessary because it grounds you into the environment around you so that fate can do it’s thing. Having access to so much information, we get scared of rejection and try to be hyper vigilant in our approach. We judge and we try to control. With all that effort, of course we’d rather stay in our own energy our use something as convenient as a dating app to scroll and choose. In life, without phones, we can’t just scroll away from what we do not wish to see. We have to engage and unlock different perspectives about ourselves and other people through time.


Conflict & Intimacy: Scorpio