Conflict & Intimacy: Scorpio

Each day can feel like a conquest. We rise and tackle certain tasks that are required for us to sustain a certain lifestyle, be dependable, or involve ourselves in what we love. Periods of rest and observation are required to reset and refill our energy. These resting periods allow us to integrate what we’ve done and what we know which alters our perspective. Resting periods allow for emotional development to breed bliss and contentment. Through this, we understand how to regulate ourselves and detect our needs. Our needs are heavily influenced by the environment we are in and our capabilities.

                  To exist in the realm of Scorpio, there is seldom rest and observation. Being ruled by Mars and co-ruled by Ketu, there is a consistent operation of transmutation and conflict. Instead of leaning and reacting to the environment, here one leans more into their capabilities (force). Conflict arises as a means to obtain power. The main power of our entire solar system is The Sun (Leo - 10H of Scorpio). Giving life but also too hot to touch, burning and blinding us. Sun gives visibility to things that we cannot control. There is no control when it comes to the Sun, just awareness. Conflict can be a circumstance that requires you to search deeply for a course of action. The course of action is discovered as a means to endure a situation and remain intact. The desire to avoid wear and tear, unmoved by emotional deterrents to keep power locked in. This can be expressed through manipulative ways to divert energy: attacking, negating, controlling, disputing. The psychological dance in Scorpio rashi is to keep the operation of transmutation and conflict intact. Remember, without conflict, there is no power.

                                    Conflict is gravity itself. It’s unseen forces that are pulling you down, up or suspending you. Much like I always like to compare to the celebrity that we see versus the forces behind that celebrity uplifting them (record labels, management companies, investors, etc.) The celestial bodies in space all have a field of gravity that is pressing, forcing against another force. The laws of gravity state that everything is attracting every other thing in the universe. If you have watched my Ketu video, I discuss how Ketu acts as an infinite portal of energy. I compare it to a magician with his hat, pulling out all sorts of things out of no where.

                  The idea of conflict and power can connect to the truth of people experiencing pain in order to be as wise and mystical as they are. People seek occult knowledge, astrology, spirituality as an explanation to the circumstance. Everyone’s existence is conflicting with some one somewhere and on one side, this manifests as you being a “villain” in someone’s story. The other side manifests as you being on the receiving end of conflict and friction, thus needing to find an outlet for that energy received.

                  In relationships, the agreement to connect is backed by feelings of trust and safety. When conflict arises, trust and safety are at risk. Now one is forced to dig deep within to find all possible defenses, courses of action, etc. (Mars/Ketu) There is a desire to win in conflict as a means to protect the ego. One doesn’t naturally want to surrender here, because the risk of losing power is far to great. However, surrender can be powerful. The willingness to bow your head, accept fault, and step away with new information and perspective is even more powerful. You make the other feel like they are winning—feeling high from the conquest. This relates to the nakshatra situated in the core of Scorpio: Anuradha Nakshatra. Mastering this energy, you understand how to get what you want through knowing when to surrender or give up something. This devotional energy can ease the friction of a situation, which guarantees your way to the pinnacle or Chief Moment in Jyestha Nakshatra. The story of Radha and Krishna displays this internal power growing through devotion—even though there is no real reward. Radha and Krishna never marry, but are eternally paired. Radha displays this unwavering surrender to her circumstance regardless of feeling. Conflict creates deeper intimacy within the self because one has to search deeply within to ensure correct course of action. It can create intimacy or separation with others depending on the outcome. If both parties can reach a solution, then there is closeness. Even still, one party is leaving with more: no damage to the ego, surrender from the other party via apology, etc. That devotional surrender is what true love is about—It is okay to “lose” because you aren’t really losing. You gain closeness with the other through a willingness to make them happy.

 Dysregulated, Scorpionic energy, thrives off of taking from others for the sake of doing so. When successful, energy is harvested from the “weaker” in the party. Success in this method is seen through getting a reaction from others or causing one to be triggered. There is a desire to negate the perspective of another simply for the sake of doing so. Only through moving with pure intent, without grabbing from others, but wishing to grow that power from within, does one become an alchemist of their own energy. Ketu and Mars are planets that let go. Ketu detaches and brings us into deep contemplation. Mars severs, cuts, and destroys. True intimacy is only manifested if one has taken it upon themselves to go deep within and be without. Devoting to the muddy circumstances for a while to arise as a lotus.


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