Moon & Saturn’s special relationship.

They give each other reason. The spiritual knowledge that ends up soothing the other in some way. At the heart of Capricorn rashi we have Shravana, activated by the Moon. Heart of Cancer we have Pushya, activated by Saturn.

Moon & Saturn both have patience. But where Saturn expels gloom, restriction and dismay, Moon reassures Saturn of its purpose. That with time, things will change. The path isn’t linear.

Where Moon gets overcome with fluctuations and desire, Saturn reminds the Moon that life isn’t always about fulfillment of desire, but of service. Then the Moon is reminded of being the nurturer.

very beautiful and romantic relationship even if they don’t see it all the time. Which is why Shravana & Pushya Moons can be some of the most understanding and accepting people.

Moon has no enemies. Moon is captivated by Saturn in a way. Just when Saturn thought nobody was looking or seeing them clearly. It’s really beautiful if you think about it.

A lot of what is blamed on Saturn belongs to other planets. People fear Saturn when Saturn is always giving what is due. Out of all the Navagraha (Divine Planets), Saturn (Shani) is considered Ishwara & connected to the Trimurthi.

Saturn is the lord of Karma and only gives what is due, whether it be good or bad. It’s just as humans we have a hard time ever wanting to pay our dues. We have a hard time thinking it’s a blessing to be able to serve in the way Shani asks us. So people blame Shani when they should really blame Rahu or Venus for overindulging, spending money and as a result of wanting an illusion. Something that is not a part of your path.

Now we have Moon, who is very fickle minded, but in LOVE with the Earth. Moon appreciates everything and sees the work of Saturn.

Moon is associated with Bhuvaneshwari, Goddess of Space.

Saturn is associated with Kali, The Goddess of Time.

Moon & Saturn work together in the sense that Moon is the container and Saturn gives form to the container over time.

At first there is a feeling of lack but that lack can be translated into focus. It becomes very clear for people with Moon-Saturn conjunctions or Saturnian Moons is that they have to be more accepting and nurturing in this life. To themselves and others.

Any judgement based on wordly pleasures it what leads to confusion.

The creative power becomes stronger after many obstacles. The creative womb forms and reaches it’s prime through many trials and tribulations.

Gratitude isn’t only an expression, it’s an action.


Planetary Colors


Acknowledging Synthetic Intimacy: Conquering Feelings of being Unwanted or Isolated