The North Node & South Node (rahu/ketu)

Mohini, Avatar of Vishnu decapitating serpent demons head — (Rahu/Ketu)

Mohini, Avatar of Vishnu decapitating serpent demons head — (Rahu/Ketu)

The North Node + South Node are geometric points in the sky indicating where the path of the Sun + Moon intersect. Both the North + South Node move at the same pace + are directly in opposition to each other. In Vedic astrology the nodes are called Rahu and Ketu. 


Rahu/Ketu’s position determine when we will observe Solar or Lunar eclipses in the sky. From a geometrical stand point, partial eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are within 18 degrees of the nodes. If Sun and Moon are within 10 degrees, then total eclipses are formed.

Rahu/Ketu are always retrograde – moving through the constellations backwards Pisces-Aries.  Their movement through any sign lasts about 18 months. Rahu/Ketu are often represented as a serpent or a dragon. Rahu being the Dragon’s Head and Ketu being the Dragon’s tail.


The Hindu mythology of Rahu and Ketu is fascinating to learn about since Rahu and Ketu represent karma: Lord Vishnu was distributing an elixir of eternal life (Amrita) to the Devtas (Hindu Deities/Gods) long before the existence of life on this plane.


A serpent demon disguised himself as a god and stood between the Sun and the Moon to receive the elixir. The demon was able to get a few drops of it before being exposed by the Sun and Moon, which lead to Lord Vishnu decapitating his head from his body.

The demon then became two separate immortal entities, Rahu (head) and Ketu (headless body) . In Vedic Astrology the Sun and Moon are the natural enemies to Rahu/Ketu because of how they “eclipsed” or exposed him.

Rahu/North Node is the future, innovation, industrial advancements, the magnetic pull for your curiosity and interests. Kapiel Raaj from KRSChannel, (a vedic astrologer) stated that Rahu is the Internet.

You are activating your Rahu whenever you put yourself or use your skills on the Internet. The power that lies within manifesting the benefits of your Rahu placement, lie within the planet that rules the sign of your Rahu and it’s house position.


Rahu is also obsessions and our upmost desires. Rahu has an insatiable appetite and drive for success. Often times Rahu can lead you to quick success that is taken away just as quickly.

Ketu/South Node is the past, traditions, your innate spiritual intuition, religions, foundations –its the knowledge, talent, and gifts you came pre-downloaded with from past lifetimes to your present life. It’s the karma you bring from past life times as well.


Ketu is simplistic. Ketu is minimalist. Satisfied with the natural dynamic of the world.

Some people have a misconception that you must only focus on your North Node/Rahu placement in order to achieve your destiny in this life. Through my studies, I’ve become aware that you need, + will regardless, incorporate both themes + experiences from your Rahu/Ketu placement



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